1. Train number
2. Day and month of departure
3. Departure time (note that Moscow time is used on all train tickets throughout Russia)
4. Number and class of carriage:
    П - simple reserved seats carriage ("platzkartnyi vagon")
    К - soft-seated carriage ("myagkyi vagon")
    Л - first-class carriage ("SV vagon")
5. Cost of platzkart (place in a carriage without compartments)
6. Supplement for class of ticket above platzkart
7. Number of people travelling on the ticket
8. Type of passenger
9. From/To
10. Bed number
11. Passport number and name (entered when purchased in Russia)
12. Total cost of ticket
13. Tax and service fee
14. Date of arrival
15. Arrival Time (note that Moscow time is used on all train tickets throughout Russia)


1. Train Number
2. Date of Departure
3. Time of Departure (Moscow Time)
4. Wagon Number
5. Class
6. Departure City
7. Destination City
8. Seat Number
9. Passenger Name
10. Date of Arrival
11. Time of Arrival (Moscow Time)